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Avatar the Prequel

Our latest video goes into the past before one of our favorite shows at RDP; Avatar the Last airbender! Discover the tale behind the Lagened of Aang, and how he was transported by the brave and nameless heores who are shown in this video!



Our story takes place a hundred and twelve years before the beginning of the original show. In our story, Aang is just a baby and Sozin in on the fire throne. Sozin has just recently tried to invade parts of the earth kingdom and been confronted by the current Avatar, Ruko. When Ruko’s home exploded in a volcano eruption, Sozin left him behind to die in the ash so Sozin would be free to attack the world himself. Times are tense, the fire nation is secretly preparing for war, but the rest of the world can sense trouble is coming. Everyone knows Sozin is an underhanded king and many fear he will soon instigate war. In an attempt to keep peace, many tribes, including the air nomads, have sent diplomats to the royal fire nation palace to try to negotiate peaceful terms and prevent a war. The Fire Lord’s daughter, Zakana Lee, secretly falls in love with the young visiting air diplomat, who is the son of a highly respected nomad. They fall deeply in love but she knows Sozin will never accept their marriage, so the two of them escape. They are on the run for many months when Zakana Lee gives birth to a son, and they name him Aang. As they are pursued by Sozin’s troops, the two lovebirds hire a legendary outlaw to transport their son to safety at the Southern air temple. Meanwhile, Sozin vows to destroy his illegitimate heir. This powerful outlaw and bloodbender, Kuziki, is on the run with the baby when she is attacked by earth kingdom bandits out to get her for the reward. She teams up with a cocky and slightly goofy non-bender from the Earth kingdom named Piendre. The two are on the run from Yuyan and her secret group of fire archers, who are legendary for their archery mastery. They face off Yuyan and her fire nation thugs, and make it to the air temple. After scaling an impressive cliff, they deliver the baby softly to a respected airbender Yen Shu who promises her the baby will be placed in the care of respected Monk Gyatso. Sozin and Yuyan plan to take down the Avatar and the illegitimate heir along with the rest of the air nomads in an upcoming attack during the “Great Comet.” Meanwhile, Kuziki and Piendre team up to form early groups of freedom fighters.

Avatar: The Untold Prequel Plot

Meet and Re-meet Characters


Meaning: Taken from the original show.


Title: Fire Lord (king of Fire Nation)


Origin: Fire Nation


Weapon of Choice: Firebending, political power.


Future connections: His great-grandson is Prince Zuko.


Characterized: By evil lines given in a chillingly calm manner, vicious plans, smooth motions that easily convey anger. He does not yell much, but everyone is afraid of your calm temper.


Past: You grew up friends with Avatar Ruko, (avatar before Aang) but you two fell out of touch after he left to train. When he returned, you approached him at his wedding with your plan to invade other countries. You claimed the fire nation was so great, you occupying other countries would make them great, too, but Ruko did not agree. You set forth plans to attack anyway. When Ruko needed help you left him to die in a volcano to be free with your plans.


Future: After our movie, you go on with your plans to kill all the airbenders by using extra power from a ‘great comet.’ You fail to kill Aang, however, and that failure haunts you the rest of your days. You spend the rest of your life trying to capture as much ground in the war as possible, and pass quietly away in your sleep at a very old age.


In one word: Dangerous

Title: Well-trained weapon master, Earth kingdom orphan.


Origin: Rural areas of Earth Kingdom.


Weapon of Choice: Machete.


Future connections: great-grandson is Jet.


Personality: Funny, cocky, witty. You crack jokes a lot, goof around, climb and swing from trees and show off to impress the ladies. You might think you’re funny but you know when to get serious, and you’re an excellent fighter.


Goal: Help bloodbender safely deliver Aang, then start a group of rebels to fight back against Sozin’s evil regime.


Characterized: By witty lines, creative entrances, tree climbing, and dangerous, spontaneous adventures.


Past: You were born in the poor rural landscape of the Earth Kingdom. Terrorized by unruly earth troops and the occasional harassment from over-taxing politicians left your family poor. Both your mother and father died while you were young, leaving you orphaned. Not wanting to be sent to the orphanage, you tried to join the earth army but was denied on account of your age, so you ran away. You’ve been living here are around ever since, training in weapons and living off the land.


Future: After our movie you succeed in your dreams to form a rebellion team of troops against the fire nation’s attacks. Your people are often the first in battle and fight powerfully. You are successful in many of your defenses of earth kingdom land, but you are eventually killed in battle.


In one word: Clever



Title: Bloodbender assassin. You are a mercenary spy, you run missions for money. You hide in the shadows and have gained a reputation as a dangerous character.


Origin: Northern Water Tribe


Weapon of Choice: Waterbending


Future connections: Katara is your great-granddaughter. 


Similarities to Avatar Character: Katara in “Southern Raiders,” dark, mysterious, deadly.


Characterized: By solemn delivery, decisive movements, excellent bending.


Past: You were born in the Northern Water Tribe to a middle-class family. You were not allowed to learn water bending, being a girl, but you learned fighting anyway in private. You were constantly teased and attacked by punks so decided to learn fighting as a mode of self-defense, and to prove to those bullies you were strong enough to fight. Through your dedicated training you mastered waterbending, ice bending, and some healing. You were engaged to a fellow waterbender you did not love, so instead decided to leave the Northern Water Tribe and make your way down South.You visited the earth kingdom but then settled in the fire nation as there were more underhanded politicians there willing to pay you to do their dirty work. You are legendary as a dangerous character and because you are a waterbender living in the fire nation, which is extremely rare. You are considered a criminal officially by the fire nation but have enough links to powerful people that you keep out of prison.


Future: After this movie, you join the swordsman in the resistance against Sozin. You both form a group of ‘freedom fighters’ to try to resist him after the war begins. Although he dies you sruvive and move to the Southern Water Tribe, where you raise your only daughter.


In one word: Deadly


Title: High secretary leader for Fire Lord Sozin. She operates sometimes from the shadows, with her elite crew of well-trained archers. She is the founder of the legendary archery group the Yuyan archers.


Origin: Fire Nation


Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow, and exceptional Firebending.


Relationship Connections: She is a servant of Fire Lord Sozin.


Future connections: In the future show, she will only be remembered by the legacy she created with the Yuyan archers.


Similarities to Avatar Character: Her Legend of Aang counterpart is Azula.


Personality: Cunning and swift, like and arrow. You are sly and deceiving. You fight for what you want and never give up. Your resilience is almost earthbender, but your evil nature overruns your entire being.


Goal: Kill the fire princess, air diplomat, bloodbender, swordsman, and most importantly, destroy any evidence of Aang.


Characterized: By mysterious lines and sneaky fighting moves.


Past: Your father was a highly respected fire nation general; your mother was a housewife. You went to the elite fire nation academy for girls, and were trained in a variety of weaponry as well as intense firebending. You caught the eye of many high officials who contracted you for secret scouting and attack missions directly out of school. Word of you spread up the ranks until Sozin heard about you and personally extended you an invitation to be his head of security. When you took up your post you selected powerful bowman and women to be on your team and trained them in your special style of shooting; flaming arrows. Your team’s legacy far outstretches you in the long run.


Future: Unfortunately, after your failure to capture the Avatar, you fall out of favor with Sozin. You are still head of his security for many years, but security is not as important in the Fire Nation anymore as the gearing up for the war has put them more on the offense. You die in the attack on the Southern Air Temple during the incitation of the 100 years war. Ironically, you are so blinded by your desire to fix your past mistake by now finally ending the avatar, you are caught off your guard during the fights and thus are more vulnerable.


In one word: Ambitious

Zakana Lee 

Title: Fire Princess


Origin: Fire Nation, Royal palace.


Future connections: Her brother, Azulon, takes the throne from Sozin. Her son is the next Avatar.


Personality: Loving, Nurturing, quiet. You have not had much of a say in your raising, but you found your voice when you found love. You gave up your throne in order to run away with your love.


Past: You were born and raised in the Fire Nation royal palace. You traveled around the palace city but never really left to explore those ‘lower’ places in your kingdom. You were trained in firebending, politics, and economics of the fire nation. Your father, Sozin, was arranging for you to be the heir to the throne, but he had his doubts about your ability to take over the war he planned to start. A plan was being formed for you to wed a powerful fire nation businessman to establish a powerful alliance, but the plot was not powerfully set. During the early stages of Sozin’s planning for the war you fell in love with an air diplomat. The two of you escaped and eloped. You were on the run for a few months before you realized you were pregnant, and had Aang.


Future: You and your air nomad husband escape and hide out in the earth kingdom for a few years. Finally, you make your way to the Western Air temple. You get news about your son, that he is doing so well in his training, and are overjoyed to hear this. You are saddened and worried by the news that he is the avatar, however, and that he must fight Sozin if a war happens. Sozin’s attack is swift and unforeseen. You fight alongside your husband but you are eventually killed with the rest of the air nomads under Sozin’s demands. You are cut from his family tree and never spoken of again in the royal palace.


In one word: Loving

Yi Hun 

Origin: Northern Air Temple.


Future connections: Aang.


Similarities to Avatar Character: Tenzin (Aang’s son)


Personality: You are calm and peaceful. The perfect example of air nomads, you are studious, intelligent, non-violent, and vegan, of course.


Goal: To represent his people to Sozin and keep a war from happening, later to protect Aang.


Characterized: By understanding, realization, and calmness. Clear and intelligent words spoken in a knowing manner.


Past: You were born in the North air temple and studied and trained constantly. You have visited all air temples and are personal friends with Monk Gyatso, but have not spent much time in the other nations. You are an exceptional bender and nomad, and your father was known for his excellent peacekeeping a balance skills. You are living in the Western air temple when you are chosen to be a diplomat to Sozin. You are choose because of your calming and dedicated ways. While in the Fire nation royal palace you attended daily meetings on account of your people and try to see Sozin see the tension he is causing is not doing the world any good. While there you fall in love with the fire nation princess. Leaving your diplomatic duty to a fellow airbender who attended with you, the two of you leave the castle to be married. Your intention was never to abandon your job, but once Sozin sends troops out to attack you hiding is your only option.


Future: After the movie you hide out in the earth kingdom then make your way back to the Western Air temple. You are one of the first attacked by the fire nation and unfortunately die in battle.


In one word: Diplomatic.

Yen Shu 

Origin: Eastern Air Temple


Relationship Connections: Friend of Monk Gyatso.


Future connections: None


Similarities to Avatar Character: Avatar Yangchen.


Personality: You are smart and reliable. Although you respect and follow the spiritual and non-violent ways of the air nomads, you are more realistic then many of your more spiritual counterparts. You are slightly more grounded then the rest, and you realize the dangers of the upcoming war. You are quick and decisive in your decision-making.


Goal: Collect Aang from the bloodbender and deliver him to Monk Gyatso to be cared for.


Past: You were born in the Eastern air temple, one known for its studious nomads. You trained with the best and traveled the world. You know much more about politics and world activities then other nomads due to your extensive travel. You came to the Southern Air temple to study with the monks new forms of bending and reinforce your already vast knowledge. You heard word the Avatar was coming and waited by the edge of the cliff for his arrival.


Future: After our movie, you continue to travel the world and frequently stop at the Southern air temple to check on Aang. You arrive there the night of the storm after he escapes and are worried by his departure. You are soon killed in the fire nation attack.


In one word: Grounded.

Costumes and Props

The Costumes for this movie were some of the most elaborate creations yet. Each nation has a specific dress style we tried to stick to.


Fire Nation: Bold Red, Black, and Gold clothing. Boots, skirts often split down the front middle and back. 


Water Tribes: Blues, blacks, and whites. Skirts often split up the sides. Wide sleeves lined with fur for warmth.


Earth Kingdom: Dark, earthy colors. Sensible clothes, pants, shoes. Things that you could wear and get a lot of work done in.


Air Nomads: Long tunics, beads, and shashes. Yellows and Reds. 


Prop wise we had a lot of weapons and targets to produce for the Yuyan archers to rip apart! 

The More elaborate props, such as Yuyan's mask and the air glider were a lot of fun to make! 

Yuyan's mask came from inspirations in the Avtar Comic the Search, when Zuko's mother is shown hiding a full collection of masks from Love Amongst the Dragons.

Fun Behind the Scenes

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